Friday 23 December 2011

The Dark Side

It's the end of the Jedi Order if 8-year-old padawans are joining the Dark Side!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Australian Tourist Map

Just in case one gets confused about what's where in Australia...

Turkish Delights

I've tried them, and they're okay, but I don't get the fuss over Turkish delights.
Really, Edward? Was it really worth going over to the dark side for these treats? Even if they were enchanted...
That being said, I wonder what it would be like if I made some of my own...
I like the comment that asks, "Is this some kind of porn video?"

Tuesday 13 December 2011


I think Stanley has a hard time getting along with other dogs. I don't even think he knows he's a dog. I think he thinks he's human. An experience from today...

Stanley [greets neighbor's dog on opposite fence]

Neighbor's dog: bark bark bark

Stanley [stares back at neighbor's dog]

Neighbor's dog: bark bark bark

Stanley [lifts leg and urinates on neighbor's dog]

Neighbor's dog [in shock, then even louder]: BARK BARK BARK

I think if they both had fingers rather than paws, they just gave each other the equivalent of "the finger".

Monday 12 December 2011


So, I think I don't have an employer anymore. My prior employer being Queensland Health was dismantled in the wake of a $16 million embezzelment scandal. (see link below)

Odd. I've heard of employees being fired, but not employers being fired. As long as I still get a pay advice. I guess I need to change my letterhead to not read Queensland Health anymore. Cheers.

Saturday 3 December 2011


Apparently, the weeds in Australia are ginormous, too!

Friday 2 December 2011


Here is a panorama from atop Toowoomba Hospital where I work. I didn't catch it in this series, but there is a helicopter pad as well.

Saturday 26 November 2011


I don't think there's any other way to say this... but there are some truly ridiculously big bugs here in Australia.

Saturday 19 November 2011

A weekend day

My weekends are unexciting. The sun comes up around 5am. I awoke at a little past 6:30 (late for me). Mowed the lawn for a bit (27,000 sq ft lot), fed the dog, dug through the stuff in the garage (thankfully now less than before), found some US-grade surge protectors for our electronic stuff we brought over, and reviewed respiratory physiology. It's barely past noon right now.

I really want Indian food. Craving it in fact. Especially an Indian buffet. I would totally clean them out.
Craving Sichuan food as well, but they don't come in buffets. Only hot pots. And when I say hot, I mean HOT.

Thursday 3 November 2011


I miss Thanksgiving... or rather I will miss it. It's actually my most favorite holiday. Many good memories. Plus, there's always good television then. True, I haven't enjoyed a turkey in a while, but there's no guilt about being befuddled by a most excellent feast. Then, there's Christmas to immediately look forward to. It's like a Saturday, except better!

Thursday 27 October 2011


"True" story from today...

Blue car driver: I think I'll just keep making a right on this red right turn arrow... right in front of that police car.

5 seconds later...

Police car passenger: I think that blue car just made a right turn on a red right turn arrow.

Police car driver: Did he?

Police car passenger: I think he did.

Police car driver: No worries.

Now gone...

Blue car driver: Ta. Cheers.


This is my bike. :P

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Aston Martin

Fact: There are only 85 Aston Martins listed online as on sale in the entire country of Australia as of October 19, 2011.


I just put in my first IV cannula in literally 6 years. Silly, but satisfying.

Friday 7 October 2011


Whaling sucks. That's my political statement of the day.

A Japanese narrative screen depicting a whale hunt of Wakayama.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Helicobacter pylori

I can't prescribe bismuth to complete quadruple therapy for Helicobacter pylori? This is wrong. So wrong.

Monday 26 September 2011


Apparently, Aussie mosquitoes find me tasty. Ouch...

Saturday 17 September 2011


I'm doing all I can to try to keep things simple. When I'm at work, it's simply work. I've simplified and minimized my possessions to really basic simple things. Yet still, life seems to want to throw complicated things my way. I can't imagine how much more complicated it would be if had more complicated goals like houses, cars, properties, investments, etc.

Saturday 10 September 2011


I bought a bicycle yesterday. A Trek 7.0FX for $359. It's nice. I haven't had a bike since I was probably 7. I'm still not keen on purchasing a car. The car itself, insurance, gasoline... it all adds up. Plus, Toowoomba is a small place. This is also the eco-friendly decision to make. Additionally, I didn't want to be limited by what my legs can do, so biking gives me a slight increase in transportational independence compared to previous.
I purchased a lock. I might make a few other additions. Maybe a carrier rack and kickstand. That's probably it though. My brother had an old helmet from before. It's a tad heavy, but it'll do. I'm also not keen on spending more money than I have to. My thighs are already starting to burn and bulge...

Right now, I'm using it to just casually bike around. I would really like to upgrade to commuting to the hospital with this though. I'll avoid the main streets and just take the smaller streets, but I think it's possible to do so safely. Maybe I'll be like this guy...

Monday 5 September 2011


So... apparently, I get paid overtime while on call and working during the weekends. This is new, interesting, and different from my prior experiences...

Saturday 27 August 2011


My brother is having me watch "Serendipity" with him. The 2001 film starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. Why, oh, why am I watching this? Kate Beckinsale being the exception... (her British accent is so awesome)
Now, this... this is what I call serendipity... Serendipity III...
Home of the "Golden Opulence Sundae," a $1,000USD dessert...
and the "Frrrozen Haute Chocolate," a $25,000USD dessert (a.k.a. most expensive dessert in the world... complete with golden spoon and everything).

Thursday 25 August 2011

Friday 19 August 2011


I think it's going to starting raining for a week starting Sunday. That's good. I like the rain. It's also been awhile since we've had some serious rain here. That's one thing that I liked about Seattle and Vancouver, too, albeit it didn't rain when I visited there.

I'm still trying to figure what people really mean when they say certain things here in Australia. A couple phrases...

"Good on you."
"Cheers, mate."

Sounds pleasant enough. But what does it really mean?

Tuesday 16 August 2011

The third week...

There are still some things that are hard about practicing medicine in a different place. I've been able to get my admission efficiency down to 50 minutes, which I'm satisfied with. Still, I feel limited. I feel as though I am working with one hand tied behind my back and am not working at what I perceive as my capable efficiency level. Part of it I can still attribute to working in a different system. Part of it may just be that much of the stuff is still paper charts, which makes searching for things rather tedious. I'm doing my best and I'm sure things are just a matter of time.

I think I am tempted to ask for nights next block. That might sound crazy to some, but I don't think it is. At night, there's no one else. You practice the way you practice and let someone else do or change things as they please after handover or signout. Working nights, you accept that people will change things in the morning, and know that they accept that overnight the purpose is to stabilize until the morning when things can be fine tuned. Plus, I think there is something peaceful about the night despite it being busy. People's roles are simplified. I may be romanticizing things here though.

Sunday 7 August 2011

The first week...

So, now that I have a week under my belt, I can't really use the "I have no idea how things work" expression anymore. There's still a lot I don't know, but I just have to keep chugging along.

I think I might be feeling a bit homesick for the first time since I arrived. But I don't think it's necessarily homesick for Los Angeles, etc. Just certain things that I used to have access to that I really enjoyed. Lake Arrowhead for example. I kinda miss Lake Arrowhead. It's a nice place and every time I've gone, I've enjoyed the air, the lake, the Village, etc. It's just such a nice place. I confess I had wanted to purchase a house/cabin there... even thought about working there. Now, I'm so far away...

Wednesday 3 August 2011

The third day...

... is starting to settle in. There will be things that I will need to continue to learn, ask, and get used to, but I think the overall admissions process is starting to settle in. My average admission time is now about 55-60 minutes. An improvement, but again, I can do better. Granted, the only things that are available via computer are radiology and laboratory studies. Everything else is by paper, including past medical records. I still need to figure out how to eat lunch. I got by with a mantou I stowed from breakfast and a couple of mini potatoes today. Far from a decent lunch.

Medication brand name crossover of the day:
Duride = Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate)
Piax = Plavix (clopidogrel)
Rani = Zantac (ranitidine)

Tuesday 2 August 2011

The second day...

... was better. Not as many patients and better flow to admissions. I can still do better. I was still averaging about an hour and ten minutes a patient. Poor numbers by traditional standards. I still like the people in the ED, which is pretty much where I spend most of my working day. We'll see how tomorrow goes. In medicine, tomorrow is truly another day.

Medication brand name crossover of the day:
Clexane = Lovenox (enoxaparin)

Monday 1 August 2011

The first day...

... of work was... challenging. The oddest thing that I will say coming out of my first day is that I love the people in the ED? This is a very hard concept to grasp for anyone coming out of UCLA. Sure, I guess some work ups could have progressed farther before being handed over to me. But everyone was really nice and understanding at my inefficiency. If anything, I felt really bad for plugging up and slowing down their bed movements and I felt really bad for the patients who had to stay in the ED longer than they had to. Adjusting to a whole new national medical system was really hard today, and I am just at the tip of the iceberg as far as medications used and not used. Perhaps the most pleasing thing for me is how I remained grateful, humble, and smiling in spite of the day when in a past life I might have given in to disgruntled feelings. But I didn't have a single one. Just grateful, humble, apologetic ones. Tomorrow is another day. I am grateful for each day.

Medication brand name crossover of the day:
Resonium = Kayexalate (sodium polystyrene sulfate)

Sunday 31 July 2011


I start work at Toowoomba hospital tomorrow. My main job will basically be to admit and take consults. I don't have access to the ED yet. I don't have access to labs or radiology. I don't know how to reach a consultant in the event of an emergency. I don't know how orders are ordered. I don't even think there are admit order forms. Is this going to be a problem?

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Australian Doctor

It's official! Now I have medical registration to practice medicine in Australia, a work visa to do such, and a job lined up at Toowoomba Hospital as part of Queensland Health. Now, all I need is my first day of work...

I am grateful to those and for all those who have given me this opportunity.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Sights in Brisbane

 Former Port Office, now Moo Moo: Fine Wine Bar and Grill.
 Yes... you, too, can be Jawesome...
What does this mean?!?

Saturday 16 July 2011


This is why I never became a surgeon. No offence to my good friends who did choose to be one. :)

Thursday 14 July 2011


I was reading a book about this and found many things here that were good to share.

Ho'oponopono more or less means "to make right" in Hawaiian (I am open to correction). It is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Applying it to oneself, there are some ideas to take away to help each of us. The first is to approach everyone and everything - most importantly ourselves - with:

"I love you."
"I'm sorry."
"Please forgive me."
"Thank you."

These are powerful words. If we said these words to ourselves, we would exert a lot of positive energy upon ourselves. If we said these words to others, we would exert a lot of positive energy upon others. Looking at it from another angle, why not have a positive view on life rather than a negative one?

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Starry Night

I was just walking home and was looking up at the night sky. I can see so many stars. I don't remember being able to see so many at home in LA. I know this is because of the lack of ambient light here. It is just interesting to note and very pretty. Calm, quiet, peaceful.
I still can't find Polaris in the night sky, so never ask me for directions at night unless I have a compass.

Saturday 9 July 2011


I got a haircut today. I was going to wait until Monday, but my mum wanted to do it, so okay.

I also bought a pack of fruit tarts... and ate two. I purchased them from Aldi, which I think is my new favorite initial go-to store.
That's it. No, really. Not everything in Australia is that exciting, you know. :P

Friday 8 July 2011

Viva la Mexico!

This is one reason why I think folks in the United States should be grateful for Mexico (among other reasons). $13.98 per kg. That's $6.35 per pound. Before coming here, I had never seen bananas so expensive! This is the problem when you live on an island continent without a neighboring country to grow bananas in a climate that can support bananas year-round... Oh yeah, and it's winter right now, too.
 Durian... bless them Aussie souls. They remembered us Taiwanese people. I'm sure many of them walk by this wondering, "What the bloody hell is this? And what the bleeding hell is that smell?"
Tired of "Surf and Turf"? Try "Reef and Beef."
And our new bad boy... :P