Tuesday 12 July 2011

Starry Night

I was just walking home and was looking up at the night sky. I can see so many stars. I don't remember being able to see so many at home in LA. I know this is because of the lack of ambient light here. It is just interesting to note and very pretty. Calm, quiet, peaceful.
I still can't find Polaris in the night sky, so never ask me for directions at night unless I have a compass.


  1. maybe you can take a picture next time.

  2. i will always ask you for directions whether or not you have a compass. i still can't tell N, E, S, W....where the sun rises, where the sun sets. hmm... :P

  3. I love spotting the Southern Cross. Have you seen the Milky Way?

  4. I'll be completely honest. I totally suck at finding stars and constellations.
