Friday 8 July 2011

Viva la Mexico!

This is one reason why I think folks in the United States should be grateful for Mexico (among other reasons). $13.98 per kg. That's $6.35 per pound. Before coming here, I had never seen bananas so expensive! This is the problem when you live on an island continent without a neighboring country to grow bananas in a climate that can support bananas year-round... Oh yeah, and it's winter right now, too.
 Durian... bless them Aussie souls. They remembered us Taiwanese people. I'm sure many of them walk by this wondering, "What the bloody hell is this? And what the bleeding hell is that smell?"
Tired of "Surf and Turf"? Try "Reef and Beef."
And our new bad boy... :P


  1. You did get a truck! You like it?

  2. Yes, we really got a truck. Driving it feels like... it feels like driving a truck.
