Friday 3 June 2011

World Peace

I want world peace really bad. I once mentioned the secret to world peace. I share some words of wisdom here in what seems like a big step in the right direction if everyone took these to heart.

Six Principle of Harmony:

1. Share same viewpoint and goals. If we shared the same views and goals, we will work together to achieve rather than allow conflict to arise between us.
2. Observe same precepts. Follow the laws of the land together. Conflict and discrimination results from some people following the law and others not. If we all followed the same laws, then everyone would be in sync.
3. Live and practise together. If we find common ground in how we live, then there will be less stepping on toes.
4. No quarrelling. This is obvious, but forgotten in the moment, especially when we put ourselves first before others.
5. Experience inner peace and happiness from practising together. We can all be happy together. Why not share it?
6. Share benefits equally. Unfortunately, this is the antithesis of pure capitalism (see USA). Nonetheless, for those who have it and those who do not, giving to those who do not will result in less envy and dissatisfaction. History's many footnotes records these negative feelings as the seeds to riots, uprisings, and revolutions. If wealth was more evenly distributed, there would be less conflict over who has what and who doesn't have what.

Is this realistic? I think it is actually, but would take an awesome commitment from everyone. So realistic is used loosely here because it is hypothetically possible. I believe in the inherent good of everyone, so I believe world peace is possible and hence worth working towards. I hope anyone who reads this takes away a little bit in themselves to say, "I believe I can do my part."


  1. "practise" with an s.

    thank you for inspiring me. i not only believe i can do my part, i will do my part. As yoda says, "Do or do not... there is no try." :)

  2. Hmmm, world peace. Tough topic! My take is that game theory is probably right...and hence true world peace is probably not possible. But that doesn't mean we don't try, and that doesn't mean we shouldn't follow the tenets above. We should.
