Friday 17 June 2011


Sometimes it's interesting how quickly one's perception changes with the environment. If I were in Los Angeles, I would probably choose this...
over this...

in a heartbeat. But not so here in Australia. I find practicality rules here, which is a good thing I think. Simple. Practical. Real.

I am actively looking for a car right now and just to give you an idea of what I've been looking at...

Although even this is going a bit too far for me...


  1. Hmmmm, I find this change in your car apparatus very interesting. Australia's getting into your blood. I don't think I can see you in a truck. Post some pics of yourself in a truck when get buy it! :) You never told us what kind of land you were looking at.

  2. Land with a bore (well) and kangaroos and wallabies... it's all the rage. :)
